
Approach to ESG

Operating sustainably is critical to the future of Hastings and ESG factors remain a core area of focus as we evolve from exploration to development of the Yangibana Project.
As critical inputs into permanent magnets needed for the production of electric vehicles and wind turbines, the rare earth elements produced by Hastings will be vital to the global energy transition to renewables.

We also recognise that critical mineral production should be done responsibly by minimising environmental and social risks in both present and future operations through to post-closure.

Our leading ESG credentials are aligned with many of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact which Hastings is a signatory and active participant.
At Hastings, we aspire to integrated ESG into all aspects of our business and we are strongly committed to ensuring the maximisation of positive impacts, while minimising potential negative impacts of our activities.
A target of 40-80% renewable energy sources for the Yangibana Project
Modern efficient engineering design operations achieving high recoveries and reflecting better ESG metrics
Water will be recovered and recycled to create more sustainable operations, with 82% of water usage met by recovered process.
FY24 Key Performance Highlights
The Group’s key performance ESG highlights for FY24 include:
Achieving a zero Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate (“LTIFR”) and Total Reportable Incident Frequency Rate (“TRIFR”).
Maintaining a minimum of 30% female employment participation rate.
Launched our Vision and Values program which is an employee developed culture strategy to
outlining critical behaviours required to achieve our Vision – to become Australia’s next rare earths company.
Releasing our Family and Domestic Violence (“FDV”) policy aimed supporting victims of FDV and building internal leadership capability and awareness.
Registering no heritage incidents and legislative breaches, maintaining a nil non compliance with our voluntary Native Title Agreement.
Updating our carbon reduction targets to include practicable timeframes.
Sustainability Pillars
Our People
Creating a workplace that is respectful and inclusive and putting measures in place to protect health, safety and well-being
Our Communities
Engaging meaningfully with our stakeholders to move a positive contribution to the communities where we operation
Our Environment
Understanding and managing our impact on the environment and using resources efficiently
Our Governance
Conducting business with integrity and transparency and honouring our commitments

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Hastings have aligned our approach to sustainability with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, a set of universal targets to address global sustainability challenges.

In 2022, Hastings became a signatory of the UN Global Compact, making a commitment to support and report our performance on its Ten Principles around human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

We support the UNSDGs and the Australian mining industry’s efforts to improve social and environmental outcomes in our region and communities through our ESG activities. Our targets are aligned with many of the UNSDGs as outlined below.
Health and Safety
Inclusion and Diversity
Attraction and Retention
Stakeholder Engagement
Local Employment and Procurement
Cultural Heritage
Climate Change and Emissions Reduction
Waste and Tailings Management
Water Stewardship
Mine Closure and Rehabilitation
Ethics and Conduct
Risk Management
Human Rights
Supply Chain Management